How to let go of resentment

Resentment is something that we all experience, and it’s perfectly normal. It can have a negative impact on your life. You can feel happier if you learn how to let go resentment. Resentment is a motivating force if it’s used in moderation and for the right purposes. If it becomes a problem in your life, however, it can cause serious damage. We’ll be discussing ways to let go resentment in this article.

What is Resentment?

Resentment feels like anger, but it’s quite different. Anger is about the past. It’s something that has made you mad in the present. Resentment refers to the past, something that has happened and still makes you mad today. Anger is almost always motivated by a perceived injustice in your current circumstances. Resentment, on the other side, is usually based on a perceived injustice that occurred long ago.

It grows when we don’t get the recognition that we deserve for our kindnesses or efforts in a relationship. Although we give our time and energy to help others, it often comes at our expense. If people don’t give back in an equal amount, it can lead to resentment.

Resentment can be viewed as irrational if it dwells on wrongs that are perceived to have been done by someone else, rather than the causes. People who resent another person are often unable to let go their feelings towards that person. This can be partly due to running from your emotions or not dealing with certain triggers.

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