Ways to heal the void you feel

It is hard to describe the feeling of being empty, but it can be felt very strongly once it occurs. This feeling, regardless of what you have, makes you feel like nothing has any purpose. One way to describe it would be that you feel a hole in your soul that you can’t fill no matter how hard you try. Even though the world around us shows the opposite, feeling empty can make us believe that our existence is meaningless.

A void is an emotion which can cause emotional damage to your emotional structure and can lead to long-term problems. It will not suffice to try and fill the void with love or food, alcohol, or even a full social calendar. The feeling of being empty will remain with you for a long time. Trying to fix it by prolonging it will only make it worse.

It is difficult to feel empty because it is a feeling that is not easily understood. It doesn’t have the to be a constant feeling. If you can recognize it in yourself, you can start to heal and move forward. These are seven ways you can heal the void that you feel.

Ways to Recover from an Empty Feeling

1. Recognize the feeling of being empty

Acceptance is the first step in overcoming any difficulty. Acknowledging it is the first step in letting go of that feeling of inner void. It is important to not seek refuge in any behavior that could compromise your integrity, or overburden your schedule with activities that will impede your ability to feel the feeling. You shouldn’t reject the feeling or hide it. It is best to confront it and admit to feeling empty.

It is important not to feel embarrassed or angry about yourself. Accepting that not everything is in our control can sometimes be the first step to our growth. You can identify that feeling of emptyness and work directly on it.

Although it may be difficult to spot, you can examine your behavior and determine if you are experiencing new symptoms.

This feeling of emptiness is caused by the invalidation and neglect of feelings. It will be necessary to start to explore your feelings. You can begin by observing what you feel at any given moment. This can be simplified if you are having trouble with the verbal and emotional aspects of this process. You can simply use a part of your body to ask yourself what it feels like, such as temperature, movement, tension, etc. This can increase our exploration of ourselves by doing it more often.

What are the signs of an emotional or existential void?

Three levels of symptoms are involved in existential emptyiness: cognitive, behavioral, and physiological.

  • You may feel intense pressure in your chest.
  • You may be engaging in aggressive and self-destructive behaviors, such as binge eating, alcohol, and drug abuse, at the behavioral level.
  • Be alert if you are experiencing anxiety, sadness or insecurity, inability feel pleasure, boredom and listlessness.

It doesn’t matter if you have one or more symptoms. The important thing is to recognize the problem and then you can start working on it.

2. Consider the void an opportunity

Canadian and Croatian researchers found that people feel empty and lonely differently depending on where they live. The void in Taoist and Buddhist philosophy is actually a positive sign that we aren’t clinging on to anything.

Although there is a negative stigma surrounding the existence of a void in Western culture, it is possible to shift your perspective and see it as another stage of your life. This allows you to move beyond your comfort zone and change. It is possible to feel emptiness, even though it may not be pleasant. However, it is a sign you need change and move beyond.

3. Strengthen self-esteem

To forgive yourself, it is important to build self-esteem. This is also a crucial step in listening to your concerns and desires. You will be able to change the direction of your life if you do this.

It is impossible to fill a void with anything tangible. It can’t be filled by things and symbols that have special meanings for you will not fill it. This means that you may not find what fills someone and gives meaning to your life. Your self-esteem can be strengthened by looking within. It’s a personal journey. Therefore, it is important to examine yourself and discover your meanings.

Most people will feel empty and then experience long periods of dissociation as the “self”, which becomes a burden. It is important to improve your self-concept and self-esteem in order to grow and get rid of the feeling of empty.

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