Workable Techniques to Stop Being Emotionally Reactive

We tend to feel more stressed when we become emotionally reactive. Impulsively reacting to anger or hurt makes us feel angry and/or hurt. We react too quickly. We perceive the current situation differently. This can lead to us making bad decisions. How can we stop reacting emotionally?

Ways to stop being emotionally reactive

These are honest tips that could be the best way to calm your emotional reactiveness and restore your peace of mind.

Meditate Often

Meditation can help you live a more mindful, thoughtful and observant life. Meditation is a practice of noticing thoughts and feelings and not getting caught up in them. You can also tell yourself stories about these emotions.

Emotionally reactive behavior is often compulsive or unconsciously. Meditation can help us become more aware of our emotions and make it easier to control them. Meditation is great if you feel you don’t have control over your emotions or can’t stop reacting to them.

Be Positive and surround yourself with positive thinkers

It’s best to surround yourself with positive people. Your perception of things is influenced by the people you surround yourself with. If you have a problem, the people you meet will offer varying solutions that lead to positive outcomes. Statistics show that you are statistically less likely to be stressed.

Run away from people who give you advice that creates more enemies or animosity.

Take decisions only after you’ve thought them through

Emotionally reactive behavior includes making quick decisions. It is the tendency to react without thinking that causes us the most emotional pain and gets us into trouble. It makes it difficult to stop being emotionally reactive.

Be a thinker before you act. Although it sounds easy, it is not always easy. If you feel intense emotions rising up, it’s a sign to take a deep breath and stop. The physical reaction will be immediate: sweaty palms, clenched fists and heat on the face. These are all signs that you should be aware of. Introversion can give you the clarity and confidence to be more productive and positive.

Do not make assumptions

Sometimes you might be very sensitive. You might be very sensitive to rudeness. You feel that your value is being undervalued and you find ways to undermine the source. You feel the manipulation, offense or accusation of someone, so you react in an offensive way.

Tit for tat. You were emotional reactive and created a vicious circle of negativity. Your perceptions of the world were not supported by research. Instead, be kind and give people who send you negative vibes a chance to be heard.

It will shock you if the other person believes that you are the one who started the negative vibes.

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